The partners of the Adriatic PorTLand project were all smiles after the successful completion of the first event in the municipality of Battaglia Terme.
The Association TVB (Traditional Venetian Boats) is the only partner of the Adriatic PorTLand project, which is located in the interior. It deals with the valorization of river navigation and shipbuilding, which through this project is connected to the maritime one. Although our hosts had to postpone their regatta due to floods, the two-day visit to the municipality of Battaglia Terme from May 24 to 25 was pleasant and very educational.
As part of the Exchange lab, we listened to a series of interesting lectures on river navigation on the Bacchiglione and Po rivers and on tourist and heritage practices connecting the coast and the river hinterland.
We got to know the tradition of navigation on the oldest medieval canal in Italy through a visit to the Museum of River Navigation (Battaglia Terme) and the only active shipyard of Remier Eugane's traditional boats (Moselice).
We thank the TVB association for their hospitality and announce the next meeting of project partners here in Rovinj-Rovigno at our 18th Rovinj Regatta!