After attracting a lot of attention last year in the heart of the tourist season, the "Col chiaro della luna" concert walk will brighten up the spring in Rovinj_Rovigno this year. Make a note of the evening of April 20 and head to the Church of St. Euphemia at 7:30 p.m. and be part of an inspired meeting of sacred and profane music from Rovinj.
The project with the full name "Micro-display: Spaces and paths of the night music of the Rovinj tradition/Spazi e percorsi di musica notturna della tradizione rovignese" will take you for the second year in a row on a musical walk through the rich tradition of the folk song of the autochthonous Italian tradition of Rovinj-Rovigno from intimate arias to go back to the polyphony of the ancient Good Friday procession. At seven points, marked totems will be waiting for you, which will allow you to get to know the wider context of this musical story. While enjoying the evening while listening to the performances of numerous participants, you will be able to follow the progress by scanning the QR code from the flyer. Tourist guide Romina Kuharić from Rovinj will introduce the interesting points of each city point and performance to the audience in three languages (Croatian, Italian, and English). In this exceptional musical event, the Vocal Quartet "Nuove Quattro Colonne", SAC-KUD "Marco Garbin", Brass Band - Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno, Trio "Viècia Ruveîgno" and dear guests from Cremona, Italy "ITER Research Ensemble".
For a long time under the rule of the Republic of Venice, and then the Kingdom of Italy, the town of Rovinj-Rovigno was part of Italian culture, which still characterizes its cultural and, above all, musical heritage. Today's Italian community is the custodian of a rich popular musical tradition, which is especially represented by different genres of vocal polyphony: bitinàde, butunàde, àrie da cuntràde and àrie da nuòto, whose voices of SAC-KUD "Marco Garbin" are today the most active guardians and interpreters.
Among the various local forms of vocal polyphony, àrie da nuòto (or “night songs”) are the most intimate and sophisticated genre. They bear traces of a distant past in which sacred and profane music were closely related, which is reflected in today's forgotten musical repertoires, such as that of the ancient Good Friday procession. Thanks to thorough ethnomusicological and artistic research by Alessio Giuricino and Giovanni Cestino, this link between aria da nuòto and Rovinj sacral polyphony - today lost - will be revived in a unique event: a musical journey that will return this music to its original performance spaces, and offer the audience the possibility of a unique ending on a spring day in Rovinj-Rovigno.
The organization of the concert walk "Col chiaro della luna/By the moonlight" was taken care of by Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo "Batana" and ITER Resarch ensable (Cremona) in cooperation with Comunita' degli Italiani - Community of Italians "Pino Budicin" Rovinj-Rovigno, SAC-KUD "Marco Garbin", brass band-Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno, Laboratorio di arti visive SMSI Rovinj-Rovigno, Coro Facoltà di Musicologia Cremona and Università degli studi, Milan under the auspices of the Tourist Board-Ente per il turismo Rovinj-Rovigno, Unione italiana - Italian Union Rijeka-Fiume and Parish-Parrocchia S. Eufemia Rovinj-Rovigno.