The Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno and the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo "Batana" joined forces and created an unforgettable evening in the MMC hall on March 8th, in which melodies, photographs, memories and emotions intertwined most beautifully. The numerous audience and inspired performers were connected by a sense of togetherness, celebrating the anniversary of the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno Concert on International Women's Day.
Precisely because of these important dates, there was no shortage of inspiration for a special program. Since the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno is an association that, in addition to its maritime tradition, also celebrates the fundamental role of women in the Rovinj community, the idea was born to accompany the concert with a photo exhibition entitled "Vignì sul mar, muriède..."/ "Žena, more i batàna..." “La donna, il mare e la batana...". Black and white and color photographs, the distant past from the end of the 19th century to the present day, the image of a woman in motion, at work, at sea, on a batana, in company, with children, all of this brought to life the words of Bernardo Benussi, who in the Documented History of Rovinj describes the people of Rovinj as agile and dexterous people with a penetrating gaze rooted in the soul, especially in women, which is vividly expressed in the tone of their voice, in every movement of their bodies and in every gesture. Although there were no noble houses in Rovinj-Rovigno, but only poor and beautiful people, the people of Rovinj stood out with their noble beauty and connection to the sea, which were successfully conveyed in the photographs of the exhibition.

A selection of the most beautiful traditional Rovinj songs performed by the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno, conducted by Giuseppe Pino Bartoli, recalled important and unforgettable names that have enriched and enriched Rovinj-Rovigno with their work, and highlighted some new ones. Through a rich program with four musical guests, Mandolinist Comunità degli Italiani - Zajednice Talijana “Pino Budicin”, Tina Jurman, Alessia Giuricina and the trio "Viecia Ruveîgno", the large audience was led by the director of the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo "Batana" and the author of the exhibition Nives Giuricin. Song after song from the rich musical treasury of Rovinj brought back memories of great names such as Vlado Benussi, Antonio Nino Bartoli, Liliana Budicin Manestar, Anna Erman, Tea Salvi, Matteo Benussi, Piero Soffici and many others.
Young musicians from the Mandolistica Comunità degli Italiani - Community of Italians "Pino Budicin", in whose hands the musical future of Rovinj-Rovigno is secure, performed under the leadership of Pino Bartoli the composition "Nuvola" which opened the concert, followed by "Stasira al mar" written by maestro Piero Soffici and arranged by Alessio Giuricin. Then they performed "A Figarola" and "ʃì bitinàde", two songs by the great maestro Vlado Benussi arranged by Giuseppe Pino Bartoli.
The song "La batàna" or today better known as "La viècia batàna" can be said to be the most famous Rovinj song and anthem of all Rovinj residents. It was composed by Amedeo Zecchi to a text written by Giorgio Devescovi, and on this special evening it was performed by members of the Limena glazbe/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno in an arrangement by Giuseppe Pino Bartoli.

Before the performance of another famous and beloved song "ʃì bitinàde" composed in 1977 by maestro Vlado Benussi (arrangement for the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno was made by Alessio Giuricin), there came a moment when the audience, using recorded material, remembered one of the most beautiful Rovinj voices of all time, Antonio Nino Bartoli, a long-time member of the SAC/KUD “Marco Garbin” and the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno, who passed away exactly 25 years ago. The special female voice of Mrs. Anna Erman, whose name is associated with a great contribution to the Rovinj community in singing and folklore theater, could also be heard. Her contribution has an additional dimension because she was originally from Žminj, but this did not prove to be an obstacle in her efforts to preserve the heritage of the city she moved to and whose community welcomed her with open arms. Of course, it was inevitable to remind ourselves of the great Rovinj music, maestro Vlado Benussi, through recordings in which he talks about the spontaneity and uniqueness of Rovinj singers, about his music, his way of composing, his art, and his love for preserving tradition.
The introduction to the second performance of the evening was a remembrance of the Rovinj nightingale who fell silent forever on the night of March 8-9, namely Liliana Budicin Manestar. Singing since she was a child, she absorbed the inspiration of Rovinj women and the beauty of Rovinj singing, which she carried throughout her life in the country and the world.

Just like her, the second guest of the concert has been growing up with music since childhood, and is recognized for her beautiful voice. Tina Jurman, a fourth-grade student at the Italian Elementary School - Scuola Elementare Italiana "Bernardo Benussi" and a member of the Mini Singers of the Comunità degli Italiani - Community of Italians "Pino Budicin", without any nervousness, but with a lot of enthusiasm, began by performing the song "Li ven soûn par li Caʃàle", written by Alvise Rismondo, while the music was by Giuseppe Peitler, the long-time leader of the Rovinj-Rovigno Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni, from 1900 until World War I. This song was written under the title "Li muriède ruvignìʃe" and evokes the image of a Rovinj woman with all her habits, characteristics and customs. The second song that Tina Jurman energetically performed accompanied by the Rovinj-Rovigno Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni was "La banda della mia città". It was composed and arranged for the Rovinj Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni by maestro Vlado Benussi and his wife Biba Benussi. Most of his songs are part of today's Rovinj folklore in various areas, especially in performances by the SAC/KUD “Marco Garbin” Comunità degli Italiani - Comunità degli Italiani “Pino Budicin”. The audience then had the opportunity to hear two more of his musical gems, the song "A Figarola" and the moving "Rovigno, tesoro" performed by the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno.
If there is a female figure in Rovinj-Rovigno known throughout the world, it is certainly the patron saint of the city, St. Euphemia, who is immortalized in various Rovinj songs, such as those masterfully performed by Alessio Giuricin, the third guest of the evening. Since the age of three, when he first performed as a soloist, Alessio has been promoting and preserving the Rovinj-Rovigno traditional music with his versatility, talent and commitment. He also proved this by continuing his university career with a degree in musicology and cultural heritage with the topic "Rovinj's vocal tradition yesterday and today".

The first song, which the audience rewarded with a loud applause, was the song "Ruveîgno" by Piero Sofficio, a Rovinj maestro and composer whose 105th anniversary of birth is celebrated this year. Maestro Soffici was known all over the world and worked with some of the greatest Italian singers of the last century such as Caterina Caselli, Orietta Berti, Mina and Iva Zanicchi. Another song with which Alessio Giuricin earned another round of applause was the popular “Santa Eufemia”. It was written by Danijel Načinović and set to music by Maurizio Di Capua. The song’s success came after Tony Cetinski performed it at the Melodies of Istria and Kvarner Festival in 1993. Both songs were arranged by Giuseppe Pino Bartoli.
The last guests of the concert were the members of the vocal-instrumental trio “Viècia Ruveȋgno”, composed of Rovinj musicians who, for many years and in various ensembles and formations, have been promoting traditional songs from the Rovinj repertoire. They are: Alessio Giuricin, Teodor Tiani and Giuseppe Pino Bartoli.
Before their performance, the clocks went back once again, and the recordings reminded us of Tia Salvi and her husband Matte Uccio Benussi, two solid pillars of the SAC/KUD “Marco Garbin” and two unforgettable lovers of the Rovinj tradition. The trio presented the song “Vièn, Fiamìta”, composed by Maestro Carlo Fabretto in 1908 in honor of his wife Eufemia Tromba. Then came “A caramài”, a 1977 composition by maestro Vlado Benussi that brings a suggestive image of the combination of peace and enjoyment at sea in the hope of a good catch.

The third song was also the strongest musical link with numerous photographs that accompanied each note with their motifs. The song, which is symbolically titled “Vignì sul mar, muriède”, was written by a woman named Angela Nider, and intended for women and the celebration of the bond between the fairer sex and the sea. Its text was set to music by Carlo Fabretto back in 1927, but towards the end of the evening it resonated with equal beauty in the contemporary moment of performance.
The “Viècia Ruveȋgno” trio, accompanied by the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno, also played the song “Cùme cièpi” with the text by the Rovinj poet Ligio Zanini, and the song “Ufièmia”. Both were composed by Maestro Piero Soffici, whose voice could be heard in the performance of the bitinàda in which, recording himself several times, he performed all the voices himself, creating a unique musical experience.
Many Rovinj poets were inspired by the figure of the woman, so as a reminder of them, the director of the Institution-Istituzione “Kuća o batana-Casa della batana”, Nives Giuricin, recited the poem by Matteo Uccio Benussi “8. marso – la festa de li fimane”.
The culmination of an unforgettable and emotional evening, which was equally enjoyed by both performers and audience, connected by the irresistible power of music and filled with respect for female strength and tenderness, were two more songs. After “Nuvola”, a famous Rovinj song from the beginning of the last century, which maestro Giuseppe Pino Bartoli arranged in a swing version for the Brass Music/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno, a premiere followed. The anthem of the Brass Music/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno, composed by Alessio Giuricin in 2020, was presented for the first time.

This composition was created during the Covid pandemic and is dedicated to all members of the city orchestra who, throughout their long career of almost 155 years, have made a solemn and joyful contribution to numerous events in the city of Rovinj-Rovigno and beyond. The anthem is inspired by four historical periods of the existence of the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno: from the magnificent Austrian marches from the end of the 19th century, quotes from songs such as “Inno all’Istria” and “Faviela el sapadur” elements of Istrian popular songs, to, at the end, the solo of two-part trumpets reminiscent of those present in the coat of arms of the Brass Band/Banda d'ottoni Rovinj-Rovigno.

The enthusiastic audience, under a strong impression, greeted all the participants with warm and loud applause, enjoying this superb meeting of tradition and culture, and then looked around the walls of the MMC, where photographs brought to their attention the life stories and experiences of women who, like the batana, navigate life's challenges with strength and determination. Around seventy photographs by numerous authors were exhibited, and around twenty of them were transferred to the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo "Batana", where they can be viewed until April 15, 2025.