The revival of (traditional) batana construction began in 2004 with the establishment of the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo “Batana”, whose main goal is the research, valorization, presentation and creative use of Rovinj’s maritime heritage with a special focus on traditional shipbuilding.
Due to the lack of a legal framework for registering ecomuseums in the Republic of Croatia, the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo “Batana” has been registered since 2007 as a non-profit Association-Associazione “Kuća o batana - Casa della batana”.
Today, the Association jointly manages the Ecomuseum-Ecomuseo “Batana” with the Institution-Istituzione “Kuća o batana - Casa della batana”, founded in 2021, which aims to strengthen the local economy through the preservation of cultural and natural heritage.
Director of the Institution: Nives Giuricin
Souvenir Shop of the Institution: Ornella Godena
President of the Association: Ennio Cherin
Vice-President of the Association: Marino Budicin
Secretary of the Association: Silvano Zilli
Accounting of the Association: Martina Šain Božić
International Cooperation: Tamara Nikolić Đerić
Promotion and Marketing: Silvija Jacić
Member of the Board of Directors of the company “Vela al terzo” j.d.o.o.: Jasna Bešker