The Adriatic PortLand project is a Small-scale project that aims to integrate coastal and hinterland river tourism offerings, creating a synergistic approach. Exchange Labs and learning-by-doing tools will prepare future tourism operators, bridging the gap between traditional activities and the current tourism industry, which faces challenges such as low-skilled and unstable jobs.
The project involves showcasing best practices, exchange laboratories, cultural events, and the creation of a joint strategy and coordination scheme. This transnational project focuses on both coastal and river navigation, aiming to protect territories, create new tourism services, and promote social inclusion.
Leading partner: Ecomuseum Batana Partners: Municipality of Cesenatico (IT), Traditional Venetian Boats (IT), Municipality of Moscenicka-Draga (CRO)
Project specific objectives
- To train a new generation of tourist operators via practical, experiential Joint Exchange Labs. The Labs are aimed to promote the development of a synergic offer that exploits the off- seasonal benefits of tourism linked with the common nautical tradition values
- To define a joint action plan to exploit the potential of traditional river and coastal navigation as a key for economic and sustainable development of the cross-border area
Project main outputs
- Definition of a joint strategy and of an action plan to deliver an integrated development scheme for inland river and maritime coastal navigation in the territories involved.
- Joint Exchange Labs
- Joint participation in Traditional Boats Meetings
The AdriaticPortLand project lasts 18 months (July 1, 2023-December 31, 2024). The total value of the project is EUR 249,670.00, and 80% (EUR 199,736.00) is co-financed through the Interreg Italy-Croatia cross-border program.